(224) 633-3312 *Virtual and In-Person Sessions Available

Intuitive Eating
Find peace with food, body, and within yourself.
Do you want to feel more peaceful with food?
What will happen when you accept your body
rather than trying to change it?
What will it be like when the chatter inside your mind is kind?
There are ways to live a more gentle life.
About Lauren
I know what it's like to be stressed about food and body image. At the height of my disordered eating, these thoughts were all-consuming. After many years of struggling, my body couldn't do it anymore. At just the right moment, I came across an essay by Kelsey Miller, "What Happened When I Started Intuitive Eating."
Reading this changed my life in the best possible way. I started working with a therapist and began a long, challenging, and meaningful journey of learning how to trust my body.
Now, my true passion is helping people find peace with food, their bodies, and within themselves. I can help you get back to your most authentic self and feel freedom. ​​